131 research outputs found

    A new perspective on the head direction cell system and spatial behavior

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    The head direction cell system is an interconnected set of brain structures containing neurons whose firing is directionally tuned. The robust representation of allocentric direction by head direction cells suggests that they provide a neural compass for the animal. However, evidence linking head direction cells and spatial behavior has been mixed. Whereas damage to the hippocampus yields profound deficits in a range of spatial tasks, lesions to the head direction cell system often yield milder impairments in spatial behavior. In addition, correlational approaches have shown a correspondence between head direction cells and spatial behavior in some tasks, but not others. These mixed effects may be explained in part by a new view of the head direction cell system arising from recent demonstrations of at least two types of head direction cells: ‘traditional’ cells, and a second class of ‘sensory’ cells driven by polarising features of an environment. The recognition of different kinds of head direction cells may allow a nuanced assessment of this system’s role in guiding navigation

    Potentiating interaction of ethoxydol and rosuvastatin in an experimental model of Langendorf-isolated rat heart total ischemia-reperfusion

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    The study of cardioprotective activity showed that in vitro ethoxydol at a dose of 3.8 × 10-4 g/l can significantly improve the morphofunctional state of cardiomyocytes, which is manifested in an increase in the proportion of postischemic cardiac resumption, reduction of ischemic contracture, and recovery of contractility during the reperfusion perio

    Джеспилиты Ингулецкого месторождения и продукты их гипергенного изменения в связи с проблемой усовершенствования технологии переработки труднообогатимых железных руд

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    Mineralogical, geochemical and spectroscopic characteristics of hardly enrichable ferruginous quartzites of the Krivoy Rog iron ore basin are discussed. The results of the study of mineral and chemical composition, assortment and content of microelements, and crystallochemistry of iron are considered. The results of pioneer experiments on thermo magnetization of the ore in order to create a scientific background for improving the processing technology of different iron ore and iron aluminum materials.Обсуждаются минералого-геохимические и спектроскопические особенности труднообогатимых железистых кварцитов из Криворожского железорудного бассейна. Рассмотрены результаты изучения минерального и химического состава, ассортимента и содержания микроэлементов, кристаллохимии железа. Приведены данные пионерских экспериментов по термоомагничиванию руд в целях создания научных предпосылок для совершенствования технологии переработки в настоящее время выбраковывающегося железорудного и железоалюминиевого сырья

    Комплексное лечение больных язвенной болезнью двенадцатиперстной кишки с сопутствующим стоматитом

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    Дослідженням над 80 хворими установлено, що ВДПК та С є інфекційним аутоімунним захворюванням при пониженні імунологічного захисту. Лікарська суміш Віпромак у комплексному лікуванні хворих ВДПК та С надає більш виражений терапевтичний ефект порівняно з стандартними методами лікування та може бути рекомендованим для лікування хворих із окремими захворюваннями, а також при їх поєднанні в окремих хворих у стаціонарних і поліклінічних умовах ; Исследованиями на 8Q больных установлено, что ЯДПК и С являются инфекционно-аутоиммунным заболеванием при снижении иммунологической защиты. Лекарственная смесь Випромак в комплексном лечении больных оказывает более выраженный эффект со стандартными методами лечения и может быть рекомендован для лечения указанных больных с отдельными заболеваниями а так же при их сочетании у одного и того же больного в стационарных и поликлинических условиях ; The purpose of the research is to give proof of complex of medicinal capabilities for treatment of patients with duodenal ulcer with satellite stomatitis. The research has been carried out on 80 patients, suffered from duodenal ulcer and stomatitis. According to clinical investigations, 50 % of patients were suffered from duodenal ulcer and 50 % of patients were suffered from stomatitis. While examining the oral cavity of the majority of patients with stomatitis, such symptoms as bad breath, salivation, painfulness of ulcers, congestive hyperemia and gingival papilla edema, bleeding, gums recession with necks and roots of tooth exposure on 1/3-1/4 of their length, catarrhal gingivitis, considerable quantity of supragin-gival and subgingival tartars, i. e., soft dental deposit and dental calculus, paradental recesses with serous exudate mainly and pathologic mobility of individual teeth have been detected. The major part of patients with duodenal ulcer had such symptoms, typical for such disease, as pain in the area of epigastrium, heartburn, eructation, nausea, vomiting, hyporexia, constipation, gastric juice per acidity and duodenal cap ulcer. Apart from the major diseases, some patients were also suffered from concomitant diseases (gastritis, colitis, caries, etc.).Chronic stomatitis and duodenal ulcer are referred to the most common diseases in dentistry and gastroenterology. According to certain information of the authors these two diseases are interrelated and combined in 90 % of patients. The treatment of such diseases is carried out by the physicians of the main specialization. According to clinical observation, condition of oral cavity tissues, defense reaction in the organism at leukocytes’ integral hematologic indices, it has been determined the analogy of pathogenesis of development of both stomatitis and duodenal ulcer, which were caused by the development of infection- autoimmune inflammatory process. The «Vipromak» multicomponent mixture, suggested for the treatment of stomatitis and duodenal ulcer, on its pharmacological action is antibacterial, disinfecting, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory stimulator for immunity, antioxidant, restorative, ulcer healing complex drug. Comparing with other methods of therapy of both stomatitis and duodenal ulcer the «Vipromak» has more evident therapeutic effect and can be recommended in the dental practice for simultaneous treatment of these diseases in the same patient in the hospital or polyclinic

    Клінічне мислення – основа лікарської професії

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    Автори акцентують увагу на тому, що клінічне мислення залишається невід'ємною складовою професійної діяльності кожного лікаря. Формування його в студентів – одне з головних завдань навчального процесу в медичному вищому навчальному закладі

    Canfam GSD: De novo chromosome-length genome assembly of the German Shepherd Dog (Canis lupus familiaris) using a combination of long reads, optical mapping, and Hi-C

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    Background: The German Shepherd Dog (GSD) is one of the most common breeds on earth and has been bred for its utility and intelligence. It is often first choice for police and military work, as well as protection, disability assistance, and search-and-rescue. Yet, GSDs are well known to be susceptible to a range of genetic diseases that can interfere with their training. Such diseases are of particular concern when they occur later in life, and fully trained animals are not able to continue their duties. Findings: Here, we provide the draft genome sequence of a healthy German Shepherd female as a reference for future disease and evolutionary studies. We generated this improved canid reference genome (CanFam GSD) utilizing a combination of Pacific Bioscience, Oxford Nanopore, 10X Genomics, Bionano, and Hi-C technologies. The GSD assembly is ∼80 times as contiguous as the current canid reference genome (20.9 vs 0.267 Mb contig N50), containing far fewer gaps (306 vs 23,876) and fewer scaffolds (429 vs 3,310) than the current canid reference genome CanFamv3.1. Two chromosomes (4 and 35) are assembled into single scaffolds with no gaps. BUSCO analyses of the genome assembly results show that 93.0% of the conserved single-copy genes are complete in the GSD assembly compared with 92.2% for CanFam v3.1. Homology-based gene annotation increases this value to ∼99%. Detailed examination of the evolutionarily important pancreatic amylase region reveals that there are most likely 7 copies of the gene, indicative of a duplication of 4 ancestral copies and the disruption of 1 copy. Conclusions: GSD genome assembly and annotation were produced with major improvement in completeness, continuity, and quality over the existing canid reference. This resource will enable further research related to canine diseases, the evolutionary relationships of canids, and other aspects of canid biology

    Odor supported place cell model and goal navigation in rodents

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    Experiments with rodents demonstrate that visual cues play an important role in the control of hippocampal place cells and spatial navigation. Nevertheless, rats may also rely on auditory, olfactory and somatosensory stimuli for orientation. It is also known that rats can track odors or self-generated scent marks to find a food source. Here we model odor supported place cells by using a simple feed-forward network and analyze the impact of olfactory cues on place cell formation and spatial navigation. The obtained place cells are used to solve a goal navigation task by a novel mechanism based on self-marking by odor patches combined with a Q-learning algorithm. We also analyze the impact of place cell remapping on goal directed behavior when switching between two environments. We emphasize the importance of olfactory cues in place cell formation and show that the utility of environmental and self-generated olfactory cues, together with a mixed navigation strategy, improves goal directed navigation

    Международные непатентованные наименования биологических и биотехнологических лекарственных средств

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    The article presents generalized information about the program of the World Health Organization (WHO) related to International Nonproprietary Names (INN) of biological and biotechnological drugs. It reflects general principles for selecting INN for biological and biotechnological preparations, immunoglobulins (sera), preparations for gene therapy, glycosylated proteins and peptides, non-glycosylated proteins peptides and proteins, hybrid proteins, blood preparations, monoclonal antibodies, skin substitutes, transgenic products, vaccines, biosimilars. The conclusion was made about the need for an early solution to the global problem of assigning INN to biological and biotechnological drugs, while the number of authorized products remains relatively small.Представлена обобщенная информация о программе Всемирной организации здравоохранения (ВОЗ) по международным непатентованным наименованиям (МНН) биологических и биотехнологических лекарственных средств. Отражены общие принципы выбора МНН для биологических и биотехнологических препаратов, иммуноглобулинов (сывороток), препаратов генной терапии, гликозилированных белков и пептидов, негликозилированных белков и пептидов, гибридных белков, препаратов крови, моноклональных антител, заменителей кожи, трансгенных продуктов, вакцин, биоаналоговых лекарственных препаратов. Сделан вывод о необходимости скорейшего решения глобальной проблемы присвоения МНН биологическим и биотехнологическим препаратам, пока число зарегистрированных препаратов является относительно небольшим

    The Australian dingo is an early offshoot of modern breed dogs

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    Dogs are uniquely associated with human dispersal and bring transformational insight into the domestication process. Dingoes represent an intriguing case within canine evolution being geographically isolated for thousands of years. Here, we present a high-quality de novo assembly of a pure dingo (CanFam_DDS). We identified large chromosomal differences relative to the current dog reference (CanFam3.1) and confirmed no expanded pancreatic amylase gene as found in breed dogs. Phylogenetic analyses using variant pairwise matrices show that the dingo is distinct from five breed dogs with 100% bootstrap support when using Greenland wolf as the outgroup. Functionally, we observe differences in methylation patterns between the dingo and German shepherd dog genomes and differences in serum biochemistry and microbiome makeup. Our results suggest that distinct demographic and environmental conditions have shaped the dingo genome. In contrast, artificial human selection has likely shaped the genomes of domestic breed dogs after divergence from the dingo

    Chromosome-level genome of Schistosoma haematobium underpins genome-wide explorations of molecular variation.

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    Urogenital schistosomiasis is caused by the blood fluke Schistosoma haematobium and is one of the most neglected tropical diseases worldwide, afflicting \u3e 100 million people. It is characterised by granulomata, fibrosis and calcification in urogenital tissues, and can lead to increased susceptibility to HIV/AIDS and squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder. To complement available treatment programs and break the transmission of disease, sound knowledge and understanding of the biology and ecology of S. haematobium is required. Hybridisation/introgression events and molecular variation among members of the S. haematobium-group might effect important biological and/or disease traits as well as the morbidity of disease and the effectiveness of control programs including mass drug administration. Here we report the first chromosome-contiguous genome for a well-defined laboratory line of this blood fluke. An exploration of this genome using transcriptomic data for all key developmental stages allowed us to refine gene models (including non-coding elements) and annotations, discover \u27new\u27 genes and transcription profiles for these stages, likely linked to development and/or pathogenesis. Molecular variation within S. haematobium among some geographical locations in Africa revealed unique genomic \u27signatures\u27 that matched species other than S. haematobium, indicating the occurrence of introgression events. The present reference genome (designated Shae.V3) and the findings from this study solidly underpin future functional genomic and molecular investigations of S. haematobium and accelerate systematic, large-scale population genomics investigations, with a focus on improved and sustained control of urogenital schistosomiasis